Speed up page loading - Code-Compressor / Minifier



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Compress & minify CSS / HTML / JSFaster Loading Times - Code Compressor (Minifier)

Compress & minify CSS / HTML / JavaScript codes & texts instantly

Free and helpful tool for web designers, coders and SEOs: Compress and optimize stylesheet or other codes


Faster loading times will improve your website usability as well as the Google™ ranking. A leaner code results in a faster page loading, especially with a compressed CSS stylesheet code. Our free "CSS Compressor" will compress your style sheet or HTML code quickly, easily and reliably.


Further the compressor can be used e. g. to clean up duplicate spaces in texts and/or convert a formatted text to unformatted plain text while eliminating all paragraphs and wraps.


Just copy and paste the existing CSS style sheet, HTML or JS code into the box below and press "compress code" button. The tool will compress all unnecessary vacancies and breaks cleanly away and produces a completely continuous code string.


This will be a small, but effective help for your daily tasks in SEO and web design. Additionally, the tool is ideal for webmasters without a server-sided gzip compression possibility.



Please insert the code to be compressed:


Check page speed: gtmetrix.com

Please note before use:


This tool was developed primarily to compress stylesheets an HTML codes. Further the tool can be used to compress Javascript codes, e. g. affiliate-link-codes.


Please note: We strongly recommend to avoid compressing source codes of pages coded in PHP or other programming languages for dynamic applications. Existing program components could be destroyed!


Please backup the original uncompressed code as .txt file before compressing, so you can undo the changes in exceptional cases (e. g. if the code is not working).


Our tool has been tested with numerous different CSS stylesheet codes. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the function of the codes compressed by this tool.

Hint for speed up the page loading time

You can additionally speed up the page loading time by insertingJavascript codes in the bottom area of the HTML code (before the final </body>) into your web page. The page can then be preloaded without Javascript even with a slow or overloaded web server.


Tipp: Count words & characters >>


Image source of screw clamp: © Taffi - Fotolia.com


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